
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to recruit new members – on the house. That’s right. Go out into the motorcycling world, find some people who love BMW motorcycles just like you, the ones that should be members, and make them a member. It won’t cost you or them anything but a little bit of time. That’s right. It’s on the house. Free. Gratis. It’s time to make membership – possible!

You’ve got the latest in recruiting weaponry to make this possible, like your very own webpage where you can easily enroll a member on any computer, tablet or mobile device. It’s even easy to remember because the web address consists of your first and last name. All you must do is navigate to memberforces.bmwmoa.org/first_name_last_name and a free enrollment form is waiting for you.

Bookmark that address on your phone. Put an icon on your home screen. Tattoo it backwards on your forehead so you can read it in the mirror – whatever it takes. But don’t forget that address. Every time you meet someone and think “I wish this guy or gal was an MOA member” - make them a member. Right there. On the spot! No waiting. Have them fill out the web form on your phone, table,t or recruiter card and you’ll get the credit for bringing in fresh meat.

But there is one secret piece of information that you need to activate the free membership. It’s a secret code that only you know. You must memorize this code. Do not write it down. Do not share it with anyone. Do not utter it in the presence of anyone except the potential member. The secret code is a combination of your first name and your member number – like joe12345. (You said that out loud, didn’t you. Even after I told you not to!)

Nevermind. What’s important is that you only give that code to a new member as they complete the form. Don’t make photocopies of the code. Don’t hand it out on the street corner. Don’t give it to the club president in a secret recorded message. It can only be given by you to one person at a time when they fill out the form and want to become an MOA member!

OK. You have your unique web address. You have your secret code. Now, go find some new MOA members and start accomplishing our mission. Remember, this offer is only for first time MOA members. The offer is not valid for renewals or people who were members in the last three years. You’ll have to gather some intel about your targets and qualify the package. But, when you find your man, or woman, you can execute and win the battle!

Good luck and don’t come back until the mission is accomplished.